announcer: visit yourlocal kia dealer, meetace on their website.Alejandro: now we return withour time expertStephanie Diez.stefon diggs: we havevery high temperaturesand for now we had a daypretty cool underneathnormal, we will be justpoisons although it will be alittle fresh, especially inthe first half of the day,least let’s start withplenty of sun and there is a bit ofcloudy right now, butMonday with 42degrees, abundant sun and by thelate begins to increasetemperature and we could arriveup to 60 degrees.and we see the wind that stillcontinues to draw air veryrivers from the north northwest andthis will change toomorning.and we start to receive and shoutsilverware since the tour andwith this they will increasethe temperatures during thepóximos ías, la nubosidad vaMonday afternoon and we will have alittle instability with acouple of hours of low pressurethat are coming to our area,even possibility to seeexpert rains at nightMonday, brief, but there is thepossibility and again the matewe will be confused conditionsmuch rainier on Thursday,Wednesday and Thursday that witharrive another cold front that usis going to bring this precipitation,let’s see the panoramawhole week and there they arethese temperatures thatyou like them, even on thursdaywith him to this topic that brings usthe rain, we could be inmid to upper 70s and sodeás, we are going to stay veryclose to 70 degrees, excepton monday he goes to this a littlewings cool, but we can seeuntil the beginning of the nextweek with temperature every dayin the 10 to 15 degrees byabove what is usual