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New York particularly affected by the coronavirus: “We observe a doubling of the number of confirmed cases every three days”

The coronavirus epidemic has accelerated in the United States in recent days, as the country now has more than 1,000 deaths according to a count from Johns Hopkins University. With 280 dead, New York is one of the worst affected states in the country and has become the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States.

In recent days, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which appeared last December in China, has accelerated in the United States. Currently, more than 68,500 cases have been confirmed, making the country the third country with the most confirmed cases of the disease in the world, behind Italy and China. 1,031 deaths were also recorded across the country.

On Tuesday morning, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo was worried about the press. “There is a doubling of the number of confirmed cases every three days“, he said. Since the start of the epidemic, 280 people have lost their lives as a result of Covid-19 in New York City alone.

New York State, which has a population of nearly 20 million, has so far assembled 10,000 ventilators to cope with the influx of patients, but Andrew Coumo estimates that 30,000 new respirators will be needed to cope with the growing number of requests.

However, the state governor also indicated that several treatment methods will be tested to fight the disease. In addition to drug trials containing chloroquine, New York will also begin collecting plasma from patients who had contracted the disease but are on the road to recovery in order to inject it into people who are in situations of concern. hoping they can take advantage of the antibodies.

In early March, a projection of the epidemic was communicated to the American Congress, indicating that in total, between 70 to 150 million people could be finally infected in the United States, a country which has 327 million inhabitants.

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