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New York: On a mission for the police, the robot dog is talking

The use in the Bronx of Spot, renamed Digidog, by the New York police force last week, did not please everyone. The Boston Dynamics robot dog was deployed by law enforcement to be able to inspect an apartment safely from a distance following a hostage-taking in which one of the two victims was breakaway.

On Twitter, Democratic politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others, criticized the fact that the robot is being tested in underprivileged neighborhoods where funding for education, health and housing should be preferred. Opponents of these experiments, such as the American Union for Civil Liberties, fear abuses in terms of surveillance of the population and that the machine could become a weapon.

Asked by the «New York Post»Frank Digiacomo, of the NYPD technical assistance intervention unit, assures the contrary that “this dog will save lives, protect people and agents.”

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