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New York: More child hospitalizations

With the rise in Omicron cases, New York health officials have reported an increase in child hospitalizations. In the city of New York, “a four-fold increase in Covid-19 hospital admissions for children under the age of 18 has been noted since the beginning of the month,” the authorities said in a statement. About half of the patients are younger than five years.

In the United States, unlike all other age groups, under five year olds are not allowed to be vaccinated. The last time the coronavirus numbers rose rapidly in the USA with a population of almost 330 million: According to the Johns Hopkins University, there has been an average of almost 190,000 new infections per day in the past seven days.

Fauci admitted “test problem”

Meanwhile, the authorities are confronted with a run on the test infrastructure, which is hardly developed in comparison with Austria: The US government’s top pandemic advisor, Anthony Fauci, admitted a “test problem” yesterday and promised more citizens in the next month Provide tests. It is not available for all tests, Fauci said. The problem should be resolved “soon”.

The main focus of the US government is on the vaccination campaign. Nevertheless, only a little more than 60 percent of the total population are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. The government is therefore trying to convince vaccination opponents and vaccination skeptics to vaccinate – and is increasingly relying on pressure.

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