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New York mayor wants to fully reopen city on July 1

De Blasio made the statements after months of gradual relaxation of the corona measures. It was recently decided that the curfew for bars and restaurants will be lifted during the month of May. De Blasio did not specify which Covid measures would or would not remain in place over the summer.

US President Joe Biden recently said he wants Americans to gather in small groups on Independence Day to demonstrate their independence from the coronavirus. Independence Day is the day when America declared its independence from Great Britain and is celebrated every year on the 4th of July.

The mayor said the historic vaccination effort will allow the city to come back to life this summer. About 6.3 million vaccines have already been administered in New York. “The effort is only going to keep increasing,” de Blasio said. “We are going to work hard for that.” He has set a goal to fully vaccinate 5 million New Yorkers by June. At the moment this is already the case for 36 percent of the adult inhabitants.

During the city’s gradual reopening, de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo frequently argued over the details. During the state of emergency that Cuomo declared last year and still applies, the city must get permission from the state to adjust lockdown measures. Cuomo, who has been mainly busy with complaints from employees for sexual harassment for months, said in response that he is hopeful that Manhattan can even fully reopen before July 1, although he does not want to prejudge New York, according to NBC New York. the facts.

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