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New York Mayor Eric Adams Confronts Republican Governor’s Migrant Bus Arrivals: Latest Measures Unveiled

(New York) New York Mayor Eric Adams took new measures to curb the continued arrival of migrant buses sent by the Republican governor of Texas, up to 14 in a single night, the latest episode in an already ongoing battle at the heart of the campaign for the 2024 presidential election.

Posted at 12:52 p.m.

The subject is politically hot in the United States, where Republicans, led by Donald Trump, – but also certain Democrats like Eric Adams – accuse Joe Biden’s government of not acting enough to regulate immigration at the border with Mexico. .

The head of American diplomacy Anthony Blinken urgently went to Mexico City on Wednesday to try to find solutions with the Mexican government, while around 10,000 people per day tried to illegally cross the southern border of the United States in recent weeks, almost double the figures recorded before the pandemic.

A caravan of thousands of migrants also left southern Mexico on Sunday to try to reach the United States.


Migrants walk together to the United States from Mexico.

“Last week alone, 14 busloads of migrants arrived overnight from Texas, the largest number recorded in a single night, in addition to hundreds of migrants arriving by other transportation routes that day,” underlined the mayor of New York, who issued an emergency decree on Wednesday.

The megacity of 8.5 million inhabitants, which has welcomed waves of migrants throughout its history, has seen “more than 161,500 asylum seekers” arrive since spring 2022, including more than 68,000 from between them are still supported by the city, indicates the town hall. The city has opened 214 sites, in the vast majority of requisitioned hotels, to accommodate migrants in an emergency.

These arrivals are notably the result of a policy put in place by Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas, bordering Mexico, who charters buses or planes to send tens of thousands of migrants by bus or plane to controlled cities by Democrats.

According to the emergency decree issued Wednesday, companies must notify the city at least 32 hours in advance of the time and arrival of buses chartered to transport migrants, and these arrivals must take place at the same time. location in downtown Manhattan, at defined time slots, between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. on weekdays.

“What we are saying to the companies is ‘don’t be complicit’ in Governor Abbott’s actions,” added Eric Adams. He assured that it was not a question of “penalizing” the migrants themselves, but that bus companies risked fines and legal action if they did not comply with the new rules.

The councilor met Wednesday with his Democratic counterparts from the cities of Chicago and Denver to once again call on the federal government of Democrat Joe Biden for help. And on December 15, the Democratic governor of Arizona accused this administration, in the hands of her own party, of “refusing to do its job” in the face of the influx of migrants at her border.

2023-12-28 17:52:26
#buses #night #York #limit #arrivals #migrants #bus #Texas

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