practically impossible becausethe only free time you havededicates it to work forhelp your siblings.pedro ultreras, univision.Jorge: again the mayor ofnew york lashes out at thebiden administration for givingback to society. he complainsthat the federal doctor did nothelps to face the accretionhumanitarian that has been createdwith the arrival of thousands ofmigrants who need it,both shelter, food, and theneed to work withpermission.white: it’s not the first timethat the mayor of new yorkcriticism of the governmentpresident for not helping himesá sido la cítica ás fuerte.why do they do this to us? HEasked. the federal governmenthe has turned his back on newyork, and asked to return todesignate the tps or the status oftemporary protection of assetsof 53,000 immigrants who havearrived on buses to newyork in the last year, is thebig humanitarian crisisfor new york, he says, he was going toimpact all services.200 asylum seekersenter new york the number owill increase afterlifting of title 42May 11. partitionswith éxico and wine from texas withhis family, a job, he says,is what you need now.>> it wouldn’t be a state charge,but ourselveswe could use forus.white: to be able to serve aswants to do obduliamayor adams said byethe republicans for not approvingan immigration reform in thecongress, why join him nowthe administration of thepresident has the space
New York Mayor Blames Federal Government for Migrant Humanitarian Crisis
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