Home » today » News » New York Legislature Extends Moratorium on Evictions to Tenants and Business Owners | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York Legislature Extends Moratorium on Evictions to Tenants and Business Owners | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

put.the aggressor took thebackpack with a lacto andpresenter: the legislature ofnew york ex of the moratorium ontenants and inhabitants.they have reactions to us,including an assembly.reporter: the assembly and theNew York Senate approvedtwo laws to extenduntil August 31 themoratorium on evictions thathave been affected byunemployment, health or increase inthe expenses of the pandemic.univisón news spoke withan expert lawyer, indicates thatonly late incomebe paid.you have to try to see howthey will be able to pay the rent andthey have to be on the lookoutof different programs.reporter: while thetenants and smalltraders with up to 500responsible.[habla en ingés]reporter: the assembly saidthat flew against themoratorium because thisrepresents damages for smallowners.legislators and republicansThey said they do not solve theunderlying problems fortenants.state has not reached aagreement about it.the two laws onlygovernor cuomo forbecome law.

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