taking in the city foreradicate.isabel: authorities are investigating13 new cases that have beenlinked to the group that weresick from the outbreak oflegionary. reaching a totalfrom 12 until Thursdayevening. according tohealth department ofhere in the city againyork. the city had announcedinvestigating group of ninepeople who have beendiagnosed with blissdiseaseof legionaries and what they didnorth manhattan since the 9of August. now they report 3cases related to thisgroup, the health commissionerof the city, recommended to thepersonsof the area being experiencedintomas similar to those of theflu, contacting aquickly to be able toto detect the disease,this legionnaires diseaseis a type of pneumoia thatcan show intomas likefever, chills, achesthe intomas of the coronavirus.people get thisillness when breathing thebacteria that grow in watercooling and also evaporatesassets of large systems ofthey come from zip codes.the health department isinvestigating the water in allcooling systems aresurrounding areaimmediate.authorities said that at leastgeneral to people who contractthe disease does not get sickseriously, but they clarifiedthan those over 50years, smokers, those whothey have any diseaseconical lung or what hasyour weak immune systemthey have a chance to contract