moved to friendship park.between avenues 18 and 19October.adriana: today the state of newyork announced thatundocumented to receivehelp, if they suffered lossesduring the storm gone.prepare the house, it’s the phoneso that it captures an odd qrwhich was not help fill oneapplication.berenice: assistance will bedelivered throughcommunity organizations inthe areas most affected byremnants of one way.after losing your belongings,Don Felipe has not been able to receiveno help.>> they told me that I was on the crossred, but there has been so muchhustle, that the situation has notlet help arrive.berenice: doña nancys de lagovernor and between ourlove the same situation.but today the governor assuredthat all New Yorkersthey count, even if they don’t havedocuments.something that applauds theassembles cross.>> at the time they losteverything, the federal governmentturned his back, butthanks to this program we canto our neighbors.Berenice; this is the requestwhat should you fill out, if it wasaffected by going and does not qualifyfor fema.after answering questions,you can apply for the programassistance that covers expenseshotel, rental orrepairs to your home.You can also ask for assistancefor other needs.[ingés]although you can fill yourrequest, urge you to do it tothrough an organizationcommunity.>> the government has done everythingwhat is possible to do thesimple application,but it’s always good to have thereday of organizationscommunity. we are incontact with the state.if there are problems, we canadvocate for you.berenice: those sanctified>> I feel very happy,because you make it something I need withurgency.berenice: to know what they arecommunity organizationsthat can help you fill