Mayor New York, Eric Adamsannounced in the last few hours the confirmation “monitor drought” in the city, in an effort to protect until the water supply after a extremely dry in October. Although the measurement does not express mandatory restrictionsthe authorities have requested the residents adopting habits of water savingwarning that the dry climate which extends through northeastern United States it could have lasting effects.
New York and what is around is knowledge a autumn with little rain and higher than normal temperatures. In October, Central Park registered by itself 0.01 inch of watersignificantly lower than the historical average of 4.4 inches for this month, according to data from the National Weather Service called by The Associated Press. This is the least amount of rain that has been recorded in the city in more than 150 years.
he is irregular weather patternso called “sudden dryness” o thirst flashit is the result of the lack of water along with abnormally high temperature. In many of the northeastern United States, Halloween It was characterized by a temperature that reached 24 to 28 degrees Celsiusunusual for this time of year.
the “monitor drought“in New York It is the first level of drought classification system of the state, which includes advanced levels of warning, crisis y disaster. The publication of this measure, which does not establish mandatory restrictions, aims to promote consciousness and the citizen commitment to measure them water consumption. Adams emphasized the importance of changing the habits of the opposition lack of waterurging the New York participate in the water conservation.
“The Mother nature we are in control and we have to change,” Adams said in a video aired on him social networkscalled by FOX 5 New York. The mayor urged him citizens make simple adjustments, such as reducing time showersclose the thanks while pressing teeth or wash the vesselsand avoid unnecessary use of water for cleaning sides.
according to The New York Timesthe situation is even more complicated because of work repairs to the Delaware aqueductone of the main sources of water of the city, which will take the facility from the area of Catskill. During the keep upwhich includes repairs leaks In this key infrastructure, the city relies on more than reservoirs located in the north of the suburbs of New Yorkarea that also received rain below normal, almost gathering 0.81 inches in October.
” class=”global-image” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”low” height=”3333″ loading=”lazy” src=”″ width=”5000″/>File photo of New York City mayor Eric Adams (EFE/EPA/Olga Fedorova)
he is reservoir and basin system which provides the A big apple has seen a decrease in inflow waterwhich is a challenge to maintain sufficient levels in case the dryness continue according to Rohit T. Aggarwalacommissioner New York Department of Environmental Protectionlack of water in the area could damage it reservations of the city if the situation does not improve in the coming months.
he is precipitation deficit not only victory New Yorkbut also to neighboring states such as New Jersey y Connecticut. In the latter, the firefighters have fought more than 80 forest fires from October 21, and the governor Ned Lamont confirmed a crisis because of the situation. New Jersey also faced an unusually high number of forest fireswith more than 370 reported from medium Septembera figure that is ten times higher than the average for the same period of the previous year.
The lack of moisture in the soiladded to the elevated temperaturehas given rise to it fire hazard throughout the area. This trend is worrying authoritieswho points out if the conditions stillmore drastic measures may need to be taken, such as mandatory restrictions in water use.
he is city government has begun to implement water saving plans in different organizations and have distributed recommendations to that end citizens add to the resource conservation. Meera Joshivice mayor activity, indicated if each resident New York take simple steps to reduce consumptioncould save millions of dollars a gallon in a moment.

“Every little effort counts,” Joshi said. Among the recommendations, the city recommends report leaks in fire hydrants or pipes, use the washing machine only when it is full and shorten the length showers.
The lack of water It is not a unique phenomenon New York. Almost the half of the country on knowledge sudden dryness a few months ago, affecting the river transport there the Mississippi River and increases the a fire incident there Midwest and the Eastern side. Lose meteorologists They identify this phenomenon to a atmospheric pattern which prevents the flow of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to the north, leaving large open areas dry conditions y elevated temperature.
With a a crowd of almost ten million inhabitants and daily consumption of 1.1 billion gallons of waterthe challenge a New York to ensure that its provision is important. Although the consumption rates decreased by a 35% since 1979, due to the renewal of the leak detection systemsthe lack of water and the effect of climate change presents increasing challenges for the ciudad and his water infrastructure.
2024-11-04 13:19:00
#York #suffering #unusual #heat #spikes #sudden #drought #put #city #alert