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New York Implements Strict Regulations on Short-Term Rentals, Threatening Host Income and User Options

On September 5, it came into effect in NY a series of restrictions that seeks to regularize the short-term room reservation in a city of more than 8 million inhabitants and that is experiencing a housing crisis and a high cost of living.

The regulations, which apply to both Airbnb As for other platforms with similar services, it includes a series of controversial provisions that threaten the Host income and user hosting options.

The legislation requires owners to register with local authorities and physically share the accommodation with your guests for the duration of the stay.

Besides, prohibits renting an entire apartment to users who stay for less than 30 days when the owners are not present, something that this type of business often does not respect.

It also regulates the number of people that can stay in a place, establishing two people as the maximum number of guests that the host can receive at a time, so the families will not be able to rent through the platform a room in the Big Apple.

The new legislation includes other legal measures between the company and the city, such as presenting documentation of plans and contracts, among others.

If they violate the new provisions, repeat offenders face fines of up to $5,000; while the platforms will have to pay up to $1,500 for illegal rental transactions.

In June, Airbnb He sued the city and got the laws to come into force. restrictions It will be delayed a few months, since the regulations were scheduled to begin to apply on July 1.

However, a judge dismissed the lawsuit, considering that it is “rational” that the authorities want to control the legality of the apartments offered.

As the new legislation comes into effect, the tourist accommodation platform regrets that its lawsuit was dismissed, and reminds its hosts that they have two options: register with the authorities or increase the time they offer their accommodations to more than 30 days.

According to The New York Times, the city estimates that about 10,000 Airbnb apartments in 2022 were fraudulent.

As in other cities in the world subject to tourist pressure, the authorities of NY They consider that this proliferation of tourist apartments contributes to higher rental prices for permanent residents and worsens the housing crisis suffered by the city.

2023-10-03 23:10:00
#strict #restrictions #Airbnb #York

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