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New York hospitals have respirators in stock for just six days

He coronavirus has turned the healthcare system around like a sock NY. Until now, hospitals they competed for patients, because that meant income. Today, on the contrary, they try to stop the influx of people infected by the Covid-19 in fear of collapse. The governor Andrew Cuomo He said Thursday that the state has respirators for six before running out of supplies in view of the average arrivals that are taking place.

The pieces in reserve amount to 2,200 and daily around 350 are distributed. “This is a determining equation, the 2,200 disappear very quickly,” he stressed. “If a person comes, they need a fan and you don’t have it, that person dies,” said the governor.

Cuomo alluded to what they are trying to search for alternatives through a contingency plan, such as the application of ventilation machines used in anesthesia, those of the type used in apneas or that patients share the use of available ventilators. And he acknowledged that they continue to search the market, although it is becoming more and more complex, due to the growing competition to buy these respirators and due to the increase in prices.

He also explained that he spoke with the president Donald Trump. Although he assured that he is sure that “the federal government will do what it can to help,” he was skeptical that New York could count on this collaboration from the White House given the limited room for maneuver.

“I don’t think the federal government is in a position to provide respirators to the extent that the nation needs them,” he said. To a certain extent it is about applying the “assume you live your own life”.

Despite that positive conversation with the president, Trump launched one of those tweets in which he removes the problems from him and puts the blame on others. In his view, the executive is making “massive deliveries” of medical supplies, including entire hospitals. If it is not enough it is because “some have an insatiable appetite and are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are giving them support ”. He even attended that “the plaintiffs should have made stock and be prepared before the crisis hit us.”

As not a few experts agree, Trump despised the reports that warned him of the danger of a pandemic. Until this week, which took on a gloomy tone, the president has been underestimating gravity. Until this Sunday, his projection was to put the economy on April 12, despite the fact that his scientific advisers advised him against it from the day he announced it.

Of the nearly 240,000 confirmed cases in U.S, the world leader, New York State has about 93,000 positives. There are more than 5,650 deaths nationwide, of which about 2,400 correspond to New York.

Governor Cuomo stressed that estimates on respirators may be too optimistic if cases accelerate. The peak of infections is very wide,

He maintained, it is very broad, from seven to 30 days. The closer they are, the more likely that hospitals will not have respirators, an essential piece to save lives.

In the event that there are not enough, doctors will have to face a decisive question, who is on the ventilator and who is not. The objective of Cuomo and Bill de Blasio, mayor of the Big Apple, to save as many lives will be impossible.

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