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New York Health Authorities Fear a Fourth Wave of Infections | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

exact figures of its effectiveness andthey didn’t have a theme eitherdecisive in the variant ofSouth Africa. concern theobserving authoritiescarefully the development ofa fourth wave of the pandemic.greetings, good afternoon,classmates. before the announcement oflocal authorities andconsidering those vaccinatedthe message is followed thatIt is not yet time to give theapproval for activities thatpeople commit to whatconsider the threat of afourth wave of the virus.that is why they arenotifying that thosefully vaccinated are thewhat’s been two weeksafter receiving your second doseof the vaccineat the same time that they can visitimmediate relatives, reunitein small groups with othersvaccinated people withoutsocial distancing or withshells. however they do thewarning that peoplevaccinatedkeep using husks onpublic, avoid the bigmeetings and even travelto see close relatives.respectabout these warnings theepidemiologist reacts tounivision news 41.not now, we are stilltoo at risk. mustalso mention that for thedirector of the cdc what is trueis that the decision to open theactivities to peoplevaccinated would require the dataand more vaccines, lookimportant because they can stillspread the virus ifinfect with some variant

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