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New York has more corona infected people than Germany

Dhat is real! That’s real! ”The man in a parked car doesn’t stop saying this sentence in disbelief. He uses his cell phone to film a scene across the street in front of Brooklyn Hospital in New York. A forklift comes out of the hospital driveway and drives towards a semi-trailer truck, only a white cloth covering what it is transporting. “They’re putting corpses in a truck,” the man in the car says in an excited voice into his cell phone and apologizes for the fact that his hand is shaking while filming. Several people in smocks, masks and gloves stand around the forklift and watch as it unloads its cargo. “Lord, have mercy,” says the man opposite.

On the Sunday when this video was made, 98 people in New York died in less than seven hours from complications related to Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel Coronavirus is triggered. And from then on it gets worse. On Monday there are 124 deaths in six hours, one every three minutes. By Tuesday evening, the number of corona deaths in the American metropolis will rise to 1,096, and the Brooklyn Hospital is just one of several hospitals that have brought refrigerated trucks for corpses. More than 43,000 people in the city had tested positive for the virus by Wednesday, there are now more than 83,000 infected people in the entire state of New York, and thus more than in all of Germany.

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