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New York Governor to Receive Emmy for TV Appearances

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, will be awarded an International Emmy Award for his television appearances related to covid-19.

He appeared almost daily in front of New York viewers. Andrew Cuomo, Democratic governor of the state, has been tireless since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, to update residents and warn them, asking them to respect the measures put in place. Last spring, New York State was the epicenter of the new coronavirus in the United States, killing tens of thousands of people. His televisual presence and his calm will be rewarded.

To read :Covid-19: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo leads the battle

Andrew Cuomo will indeed receive an International Founder Emmy Award. The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, whose members include media and entertainment figures from more than 60 countries and 500 companies, announced Friday that it plans to present the award on a broadcast. live Monday. She chose to honor him for his good use of television, during his daily interventions. “The governor’s 111 daily briefings also worked well because he created a TV rendezvous, with characters, stories, addressing successes and failures. People around the world watched him to find out what was going on, and New York City has become a symbol of determination to fight the virus, ” is it written in a press release. The Founder Award is given to a person or organization that “crosses cultural boundaries to touch our common humanity”, we read. Before him, Vice President Al Gore, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg, were honored with the same award.

It was on March 2 that the governor conducted his first briefing, from Manhattan, to explain and inform the public of the threat that presented itself. “They were broadcast live by local New York television stations, nationally on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and other media in the United States and around the world. The last daily briefing took place on June 19, 2020. These daily communications attracted a total of 59 million viewers, ”the Academy recalls.

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