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New York governor falls for sexual harassment

Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation under pressure from eleven accusers and Joe Biden.

The Angels

Andrew Cuomo ended up bending under the pressure. That of his entourage, that of the media, that of his party and even that of President Joe Biden, who, for several days, have all called for his resignation. Over the past few weeks, the scandal, recounted minutely in an investigative report commissioned by New York Attorney Letitia James, has grown to such an extent that it has become impossible for the Democratic governor to justify his conduct to his officials. eleven accusers, mostly young assistants whom he sexually harassed without, if we are to believe his statements, thinking badly. “Andrew Cuomo violated federal and state laws”, in any case underlined Letitia James.

After several months of resistance and denials, the “shark”, so baptized for its remarkable ability to float in the most raging waters, threw in the towel Tuesday at a press conference, defeated by the damning testimonies of the report . “Given the circumstances, did he declare, the best way to help is to retire. My resignation will take effect in fourteen days. “

But, far from being genuinely contrite, Andrew Cuomo adopted a tone closer to the challenge: “The most serious charge has no factual basis in the report. This does not mean, however, that eleven women were not offended. They are. And for that, I deeply apologize. ” ” That said, he then defended himself, in my mind, I never crossed certain limits. I just didn’t realize how much those boundaries had been redefined. “

Considered a hero

In other words, the same man who, in 2019, proudly signed a bill to protect New York employees from sexual harassment in the workplace, claimed on Tuesday that he did not understand what he was being criticized for. His excuse? Being from the old school, from another era … the one where trying to kiss an assistant, caress her bottom (which Brittany Commisso accuses her of) or grasp her chest with her full hand (which Lindsey Boylan accuses her of) ) were not considered to be so many punishable offenses.

What a debacle for this dashing 63-year-old governor, who, just a year ago, was praised for his management of the health crisis! Cuomo was then considered a hero, in particular, it was said, by the fairer sex, who showered him with love letters sent from all over the country. It was said then that his sex appeal made him one of the most sought after single people (he is divorced and father of three daughters).

His daily press conferences and numerous appearances on his younger brother Chris’ show on CNN were religiously watched by millions of viewers. The coronavirus had turned Andrew Cuomo into a national star capable of overshadowing Donald Trump, then president. First elected as head of New York state in 2010, he was in his third term and looked set to win a fourth in the upcoming 2022 election.

Beginning of problems

The first bruising is felt at the start of the year, when the public learns that their favorite governor has deliberately deceived them about the actual number of Covid deaths in nursing homes. However, this falsification is not enough to really tarnish its reputation. But then his problems were only beginning.

It was last February that Lindsey Boylan published an essay detailing the sexual harassment she suffered while serving as the governor’s adviser. Andrew Cuomo denies the accusation with such aplomb that Brittany Commisso in turn decides to speak up. “The way he was staring at the camera, with a smirk, he felt untouchable and I felt like he was talking to me. It was too much “, she says today. The young woman confides in two colleagues who, forced by law, must make a report. Everything is racing for Andrew Cuomo.

Now it’s my turn to tell her to do what’s right, to tell the truth

Brittany Commisso

” A month ago, recalls Brittany Commisso, the governor gave a speech where he said that if you give New Yorkers the truth and the facts, the good, the bad, and the ugly, they’ll do what’s right. Now it’s my turn to tell him to do the right thing, to tell the truth. “

No one knows yet whether Andrew Cuomo has just given up on politics for good. In the immediate future, it will be replaced by Deputy Governor Kathy Hochul.

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