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New York Governor Cuomo resigns

New York

Resignation in 14 days: Governor Andrew Cuomo gives in to pressure and withdraws

The New York governor still claims he has never sexually molested a woman in a targeted manner. On Tuesday, however, Andrew Cuomo faced political reality: The Democrat announced his resignation.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sees himself as a victim of political intrigue.


His voice revealed how difficult it was for him to take this step. After all, Andrew Cuomo is still convinced that he is not a perpetrator – but rather the victim of a conspiracy by political opponents who coldly exploited his weakness for physical closeness and lame jokes. Cuomo said on Tuesday, during a televised address on short notice, “I am convinced that New Yorkers would understand” if they had the opportunity to listen to him.

But the fuss about the allegations that he, as Governor of New York, sexually molested eleven women is so great that even he cannot succeed in “communicating the facts” – not even him, the man who is responsible for his allegedly “masterful” press conferences in the early stages of the corona crisis were awarded the prestigious Emmy television prize.

So on Tuesday Cuomo decided to apologize half-heartedly and to resign, surprising friends and foes alike. Because up until the very end, long-time companions of the governor had expected that Andrew would continue to fight. This is the way Cuomo has handled every crisis since taking office in 2011. He denied, rejected or counterattacked.

The subordinates had to sing songs to the governor

But this strategy did not work in this crisis – also because the allegations against the governor were simply too massive. In a meticulously researched investigation report published last week, New York’s attorney general, Democrat Letitia “Tish” James, explained how Cuomo had abused his position as governor.

For example, he molested a state police officer who (at his request) had been dismissed for his protection. He also kept his employees on their toes with absurd requests. For example, he is said to have asked an assistant to learn the words of the English ballad “Danny Boy” so that she could sing this song to him at any time.

In the end, however, Cuomo stood with his back to the wall. Even President Joe Biden, with whom he has long been on friendly terms, called for his immediate resignation. Cuomo was also confronted with a whole series of criminal investigations that not only affect personal misconduct but also the work of his government in the Corona crisis.

In addition, the New York state parliament sent out clear signals that it would remove the governor from office before the end of his term in office next year. An impeachment procedure would have paralyzed state operations for months, which he could not allow, said the 63-year-old governor. “The best way to help is if I step aside.”

So in 14 days his previous deputy, Kathy Hochul, will take over his position. The 62-year-old politician, who did not belong to the Cuomos inner circle, will write a piece of history as the first female governor of the fourth largest US state.

The man for the rough at the side of father Mario

Cuomo, whose grandparents had emigrated from Campania to New York City in the 1920s, began his political career in the early 1980s at the side of his father Mario.

Mario, who was first elected New York Governor in 1982, was then seen as the light figure of the Democrats, as a counterweight to Republican President Ronald Reagan – although in the end he never dared to take the ultimate step and ran for the White House himself. Andrew, on the other hand, was the tough guy who brought breakaway fellow party members into line and kept activists happy.

Cuomo became known nationwide in spring 2020 when he informed the population about the fight against the pandemic on a daily basis in the first few weeks of the corona crisis. The governor was so omnipresent that President Donald Trump seriously claimed that the Democrats would choose Cuomo as a presidential candidate at the last minute. As is well known, things turned out quite differently.

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