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New York Governor calls on President Trump to impose mask wearing | Coronavirus

<q data-attributes="{"lang":{"value":"fr","label":"Français"},"value":{"html":"Les autres États commencent tout juste à le faire –States that were recalcitrant, [dont] governors were saying “we don’t need to do this, masks don’t work,” the Democratic governor said at a press conference. Now they make a 180 degree turn. […] Let the president do the same and sign an executive order to that effect. “,” Text “:” The other states are just starting to do it – states that were recalcitrant, [dont] governors were saying “we don’t need to do this, masks don’t work,” the Democratic governor said at a press conference. Now they make a 180 degree turn. […] That the president do the same thing and sign an executive order to that effect. “}}” Lang = “fr”>Other states are just starting to do it – states that were recalcitrant, [dont] the governors were saying “we don’t need to do this, the masks don’t work,” the Democratic governor said at a press conference. Now they make a 180 degree turn. […] That the president do the same and sign an executive order to that effect.

His stubbornness in not covering his face is problematic, Governor Cuomo added.

Let the president lead by example and put on a mask.

Andrew Cuomo

Since April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been urging Americans to cover their faces in public places when social distancing is not possible.

The director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has also increased the calls in this direction.

Accusing the Trump administration of having abdicated its responsibilities in the fight against the pandemic, Andrew Cuomo further urged it to tell the people of this country the truth. It’s time for America to wake up, he said.

Criticizing the decision of rush the reopening the economy, which President Trump had encouraged, he stressed that the increase in cases had direct consequences on the markets.

The White House has been in denial mode over the coronavirus from the start, and the federal response has simply been inadequate, he reiterated, criticizing the Trump administration for not doing enough to counter the new outbreak of cases afflicting part of the country.

According to CNN, at least 12 states have suspended their deconfinement process or even, as in the case of Texas, reversed.

As the resurgence of the pandemic is concentrated mainly in the southern United States, the states initially hardest hit by COVID-19New York, Washington, New Jersey for example – have seen the number of cases decrease significantly. significant.

According to CNN, 16 states have imposed the wearing of masks. New York, which in the spring was the epicenter of the pandemic, had done so in mid-April.

With nearly 2.7 million officially declared cases and nearly 129,000 deaths, the country is by far, in absolute terms, the most affected by the pandemic, according to figures compiled by Worldometer. For a week, the country has recorded between 30,000 and 47,000 new cases per day.

Republican plea for wearing a mask

Recommended by federal public health officials, mask wearing could simply have been the subject of bipartisan consensus, but it turned into a bitter partisan debate, with several Republican voters viscerally opposing it.

Donald Trump has not shown himself publicly wearing a mask, has never himself urged Americans to do so, and has even ridiculed some of his opponents or journalists who wear one.

In recent days, some Republican elected officials have pleaded for wearing masks.

On the floor of the Senate, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, hammered this message on Monday.

We should not be stigmatized by wearing a mask when we leave our homes and approach other people.

Mitch McConnell, Republican Majority Leader in the Senate

The more we hate the pain and suffering that accompanied the strict home containment guidelines a few months ago, the happier we should be taking responsible small steps every day so that our country can go on the offensive against the virus, did he declare.

US Vice President Mike Pence wore a mask during a visit to a General Motors plant that manufactures fans in Kokomo, Indiana.

Photo : Reuters / Chris Bergin

The day before, Vice President Mike Pence, visiting Texas, one of the states struggling with a COVID-19 wave, wore a mask and also urged Americans to affected areas to do so to protect themselves and others, after being silent on this issue for several months.

In a scene that has gone viral, Floridians attending an assembly in Palm Beach County, which voted in favor of the imposition of the mask, invoke individual freedoms, accuse city officials of turning away from God, accuse them of wanting kill their fellow citizens or even prevent children from recognizing pedophiles.

Two women and a man hold posters which read: “No masks”.

Californians demonstrate against the wearing of masks and containment measures on June 27, 2020.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Marcio Jose Sanchez

The host city of the republican convention imposes the mask

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that Americans cover their faces when leaving their homes.

Photo : Reuters / Andrew Kelly

Jacksonville, Florida’s largest city, announced Monday that it is making masks mandatory in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

The directive, which entered into force on the same day, applies in public and indoor places, as well as in other situations where individuals cannot practice social distancing, specifies the City on its Twitter account.

It is too early to say whether the measure will still be in effect at the Republican convention, which will take place at the end of August. Stressing that she would not stand that in two monthsCity spokeswoman Nikki Kimbleton told the Washington Post that the issue would be reassessed as the event approaches.

The decision represents an about-face on the part of Republican Mayor Lenny Curry, who last week said he had no such plan, according to local television station News4Jax.

Some towns in the south of the state have also decided to close the beaches during the weekend of the celebrations surrounding July 4, United States Independence Day.

Florida is among the states with the largest increase in the number of cases in the past few days. The Florida Department of Health said on Monday that 5,266 cases were added in a single day statewide, bringing the total infected to more than 146,000.

This is a decrease compared to the reports of the last three days, while the daily number of recorded cases fluctuated between 8,500 and just under 9,600, the heaviest toll since the start of the pandemic.

Last week, Dr Anthony Fauci expressed concern about the “disturbing” rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in some states, including Florida, Texas and Arizona. A few days ago, he even called this increase a “serious problem”.

Last month, he warned states reopening their economies without meeting the criteria of public health authorities.

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