Home » today » News » New York Gets Ready for a Monday Night with Cloudy Skies and Cool Conditions, According to the Weather Forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York Gets Ready for a Monday Night with Cloudy Skies and Cool Conditions, According to the Weather Forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

you are going to lose your apartment fornon-payment.Adriana: useful information,Thank you.we go back to now with stefanand stefani and the report ofweather.stephanie: adriana, it’s tomorrow andthetemperature. we will be in themeans 80 in the afternoon.already with enough humidity, I couldhave a round of downpoursscattered, one anotherstorm. it is also possible inthe night. we will see that humidity,increases for tomorrow. uswe remain for 70% andso very sticky. thismakes the sensationthermal close to90 are going to feel almost 100.Tuesday morning withthis first round in the south,because of these low roundpressure that is movingvery slowly to the northeast.this time it comes to new jersey,possible strong storms,cold, hot and humid air.very hot, from Wednesday toSaturday we will be atfour high 90s, close to100 and above 100.you have to prepare, turn on theconditioning, 78, the least.you can search for a centercooling.watch over the children andolder pets. obviously,avoid temperatureshot days of the day, between the11:00 in the morning and 6:00

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