Right now the median price of rent in Manhattan is $4,000 a month, City Council Member Julie Menin said during a meeting to ask state legislators to pass the affordable housing bill package:
“Allowing office buildings to be converted to homes and lifting the lot-to-area radius line for residential buildings is a panacea for families getting a new home,” said Jessica Katz, City Housing Director.
The clamor is to relax the regulations for construction and conversion to residential use and that the regulations cover all districts of the city, including some designated as historic. Downtown and overcrowded parts of Manhattan prohibit residential development and according to the mayor only 1 percent of available housing is for low-income people.
“It would serve me very well, mainly me because I live in a room and I have two girls, I would like affordable housing,” said César Hernández, a Dominican migrant.
In this way, the overload in the shelters would be alleviated. More than 15,000 people who live in shelters have discount coupons for housing but have not been able to find a space within their budget. However, landlords have opposed these measures.
“As New Yorkers we love to complain about the high cost of housing. But you know what else New Yorkers complain about? Of the construction of affordable housing. This hypocrisy is one of the driving forces behind the high cost of housing in New York,” said Mike McGuire, Local 79 Union Leader.
Legislators in Albany have until June 8 to approve or reject this package of laws that could give free rein to the construction of 100,000 affordable homes in the city, but the lack of budget is one of the biggest obstacles. Ángela González, Voice of America, New York.
2023-06-03 14:05:03
#answer #decongest #shelters #York