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New York extends lockdown until May 15 | Economy

The number of deaths and those hospitalized by Covid-19 in New York fell to its lowest level in more than a week, thus showing signs that the pandemic is beginning to subside in the main source of infections in the United States, the governor stressed. of the state, Andrew Cuomo. At the same time, Cuomo decreed the extension of the state of alarm in that territory until May 15, thus extending the closure of businesses and schools.

Cuomo also begged citizens to wear masks on buses, taxis and trains. The governor updated the contagion data and said there are 17,735 hospitalized, compared to 18,335 on Wednesday, the lowest number since April 6. The death toll this Thursday (606) is the lowest in more than a week.

Another three weeks of seclusion in the UK

The British Foreign Minister, the conservative Dominic Raab, announced on Thursday that the mandatory confinement will be extended for at least three more weeks in the United Kingdom to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Raab, who leads the government while Prime Minister Boris Johnson recovers from COVID-19, announced that the lockdown will last until around May 7 after 861 deaths from the disease were recorded in the last 24 hours, which is a new daily record.

The UK Health Ministry reported on Thursday that the death toll from coronavirus in British hospitals increased to 13,729, although it noted that social distancing measures are being “successful.”

22,000 deaths in Italy

Italy this Thursday exceeded 22,000 deaths from Covid-19 while the number of infections is already approaching 170,000 and the pressure on hospitals continues to reduce, as reported by the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli.

In the last 24 hours, another 525 fatalities have been registered, bringing the total number of deaths to 22,170, while another 1,189 positive cases have been added, bringing the number of infections since the pandemic began to 168,941.

On the other hand, as in previous days, the number of people admitted to the ICU and hospitals continues to decrease. Thus, ICU patients currently represent 3 percent (2,936, 143 less) and hospitalized 25 percent (26,893, 750 less). In contrast, 72 percent (76,778) are at home asymptomatic or with mild symptoms.

In addition, another 2,072 patients have been discharged on the last day, a figure much higher than that registered the day before and the third highest since the 2,099 cured patients that were counted on April 8. In total, 40,164 people have overcome Covid-19 in Italy.

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