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New York Equities Outlook: Dow and Nasdaq expected weak

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – After the recovery attempt last Friday, the US stock exchanges are likely to go back into reverse at the beginning of the week. Broker IG valued the Dow Jones Industrial a good hour before the start of trading 0.32 percent lower to 34 217 points. For the technology-heavy Nasdaq 100, a minus of about half a percent indicated.

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According to experts, the world’s stock exchanges are still in the grip of supply chain problems in key industries, rising energy prices and high inflation. In light of this, investors would quickly prefer to switch to the sidelines or stay there after the price gains on Friday. Falling share prices are once again accompanied by rising bond yields. The yield on ten-year US bonds turned on Monday at 1.48 percent back in the direction of the 1.5 percent mark, which had last been exceeded again for the first time since June.

A positive exception on Monday are the shares of Tesla, which rose 2.8 percent before the market. While the automotive industry is groaning under global chip bottlenecks, the electric car manufacturer knew how to impress with a delivery record in the third quarter. The number of vehicles delivered exceeded market expectations. Goldman analyst Mark Delaney now expects further improvements in the final quarter.

Teva’s shares, on the other hand, came under pressure early on, and Facebook lost about one percent. A drug recall by the generic manufacturer due to potential contamination became a burden.

Facebook hit the headlines because of revelations by an ex-employee, which, among other things, deal with the effects of the Instagram photo service on young users.

At Biontech, the latest price slide continued unchecked, with the papers of the Mainz corona vaccine pioneer, which were primarily traded in New York, fell by six percent. At a good $ 240, however, they initially stayed within their fluctuation range from last Friday, when the news had told them that Merck & Co was about to break through with a Covid-19 drug. The titles of the competitor Moderna also fell by 5.2 percent.

Otherwise, two stocks fell on because of analyst comments: JPMorgan upgraded the papers of the chemical company Dupont to “Overweight” and “Neutral” for the conglomerate 3M. The prices developed in the appropriate direction before the trading day: Dupont gained 2.6 percent, 3M, on the other hand, fell by 1.5 percent./tih/mis

Source: dpa-AFX

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