Home » today » News » New York encourages vaccination against coronavirus in children with superheroes | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York encourages vaccination against coronavirus in children with superheroes | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

face-to-face.adriana: thank you very much, topurpose, our issuance ofonly at 11:00 aftermatch.or the group of edics of theSomos network joins in a campaignvaccination beforeenter classes.for this they recruited the helpof many superheroeschildren.gary: missing 18 ias for thatthe entrance bell rings atthe classrooms, the edics are worthsuperheroes and cartoonsencouraged to influencepopulation affected by itcoronavirus.>> children know thatavengers are calling youget vaccinated.I say it is an act oflove for the vaccine>> for our children and forour families, thevaccination is important becauseprotection is importantagainst covid19.gary: the number of minorsaffected increased 7% fromlast month, according to theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics.cases skyrocketed inAugust 38,000 to 180,000.these professionals aspire tosee me children in theirqueries.>> we have to teach thekids…Gary: We entered the center ofWhat are we vaccinated?en times square, finding thehe arrived with his fathergetting ready for theUniversity.>> what motivated you to come?>> mostly the information andinternet, mainly because II have to vaccinate to attendmy studies in boston. I thinkthat everyone had toget vaccinated if we will have access tothis.gary: meanwhile, themotivation is still looking for aOutcome.>> to the children of new york,superheroes say I knowvaccine.gary: in this location, besidesof tests, the network isadminister johnson vaccinations& johnson y pfizer.

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