rain coming forour area.adriana: very interesting,Thanks a lot.the person or persons whoreside in new york haveright to medical coverage withoutimport your immigration status.berenice garner was with himcommissioner for affairs of theimmigrants, who loves usremember how this worksprogram that now has aless requirement.berenice: that’s good newsfor all New Yorkers whonow they can accessmedical insurance coverage withoutimport your immigration status,your ability to pay.especially without having toestablish that he has been living 6months in the city.>> I feel lucky about itwhat they have done for meberenice: luis roberto lleó3 years ago from Venezuelalooking for a better life andtreatment for your cancer.you think you waited 6months became a greatdifference in your case?>> I think I, I paid a lottime without receiving treatment.have spent a lot of timegenerates tumors in the liver.having cancer without treatment isrisky.berenice: it was for reasons likethis one that in weisz and car saidthe success of living 6 months in theciudad the ace to be eligiblemedical coverage, especiallynow that a wave ofimmigrants.>> we want them to be able to havelit.berenice: that’s why they areasking the community pressthat they disclose this information.what were the documents thathave to useto identify what is aimmigrant who read thiscity and not just atourist?>> we require you to havedocuments, such as a contractrent, an email that you havearrived with the address and hisName.berenice: if they don’t have going adocument, what to do?How can an immigrantjust arrived and you don’t haveno documentsestablish youridentity.>> we want them to come towe a social workerwill support them to achievethose documents.It will advise you how to do it.berenice: why the citydecided to invest $100,000,000wings in this coverage ofis it cheaper for the city?>> is low cost, but asédico morally is what I knowmust do, don’t wait for itsomeone is in an emergency.berenice: for now they hope thatpatients arrive without fearto receive preventive medicine.>> people are afraid becausethe migra arrives, they are finedocumentation. the truth is thatWe ask for documentationhelp them.>> for wings for wings