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New York: Donald Trump’s house for sale

A house on this street in Queens, New York, is about to be sold for $ 3 million. Many residents are surprised at the price.

Fakhertag Obeid, resident:
«Do you think the house is worth that much money? I ask myself that. “

Because other houses on the street are only listed for around 1.3 million. But it’s not just any house. Here, still-US President Donald Trump spent the first years of his life.

It is not publicly known who now owns the house. The house was already briefly for sale last year for three million US dollars – but without success. Now the real estate company is trying a different approach – with a kind of crowdfunding.

Misah Haghani, Real Estate Agent:
“It’s more likely that three million people will pay a dollar, or that a million people will pay three dollars, or that 300,000 people will pay ten dollars, than one person will pay three million.”

If enough money is raised, it goes to the owner – and the house to Trump or a charity of his choice. What the president does with or out of the house is up to him. A presidential library, a place of worship – these are initial suggestions on the donation website.

What if too much or too little is collected?

Misah Haghani, Real Estate Agent:
“As long as we earn three million dollars or more, half of the surplus will be donated to a good cause. If we don’t take in enough money, all proceeds will be donated. “

The house would then remain unsold. And there is still a long way to go, up to three million dollars. On Thursday morning the donation account was just $ 130. What stands out: It is not only Trump supporters who donate for a long time.

Misah Haghani:
“What I find interesting is that we had donations from both Trump fans and Trump opponents. I don’t know if you’ve seen GoFundMe, but there are people who write negative comments – and donate money. “

The residents now experience unusual attention for their street. And even if you yourself find that the price is too high, they hope that this can also be an advantage for you.

Fakhertag Obeid, resident:
“It is too much. But that’s okay with me because I live in the neighborhood. That means that all the houses here are getting a bit more expensive and I benefit from that. “

But before it really goes on sale, it still needs donations of $ 2,999870.

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