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New York Doctor Indicted for Sexual Assault on Multiple Patients, Including Minors


The man is charged with two counts: inducing a person to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity and inducing a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity.


A prominent New York doctor is facing a four-count federal indictment after he was accused of sexually assaulting multiple patients, including minors, for more than five years beginning in 2015.

Paduch is accused of two counts of inducing a person to travel to engage in illegal sexual activities and inducing a minor to engage in illegal sexual activities “in addition, he spent many years committing sexual abuse of two victims who were his patients and who were minors. during part of the period of abuse,” the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York announced Tuesday.

“As alleged, for years, Darius Paduch abused the trust of patients, including minors, who treated him for sensitive medical issues. Paduch took advantage of his victims for his own devious satisfaction. Thanks to this morning’s arrest, Paduch’s abuse of his patients ends today,” US Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.

Paduch reportedly sexually assaulted multiple male victims, including the two minors named in the indictments, while performing urological exams between 2015 and 2019. At the time, Paduch was working as a physician at the prestigious Weill Cornell Medical Center.

PCVA Law in Washington has filed lawsuits on behalf of two dozen victims, both children and adults, accusing Paduch of sexual assault, attorney Mallory Allen told Fox News Digital.

“Our clients are very relieved that he has been arrested. Many of them feel vindicated. They thought they were the only ones who had been abused by him. We are talking about someone who took advantage of people seeking medical care in the most vulnerable positions these people have likely ever been in.

the doctor used his professional status to falsely convince patients that his abuse was medically necessary or appropriate. In fact, she texted her patients to schedule follow-up appointments and often made sexual jokes or comments, the US Attorney’s Office said.

“The indictment filed today against Paduch, a New York-area physician, details the alleged systemic abuse of multiple patients, including minors, over the course of several years,” FBI Deputy Director Michael J. Driscoll said in a statement. . Sexual abuse of anyone at any age for any reason is a horrific crime that carries strict penalties.”

The first lawsuit filed by PCVA Law in December 2022 alleges that Paduch sexually assaulted a minor victim, his 16-year-old intern, as reported The New York Post for the first time, between 2015 and 2017 in New York-Presbyterian.

“Defendant, Dr. Darius Paduch, used his position as his agent and employee to sexually abuse and exploit Plaintiff in multiple ways, including exposing Plaintiff to gay pornography; convincing the plaintiff that his ‘medical treatment’ required the defendant, Dr. Darius Paduch, to have erections; stroking the Plaintiff’s penis; masturbate the plaintiff; and require Plaintiff to personally send text messages and videos of himself masturbating,” the lawsuit states.

PCVA Law filed four more lawsuits against Paduch after the first allegations were made public.

For their part, authorities are asking anyone who has been “victimized by Darius Paduch in any way or who has additional information about his alleged illegal behavior” to call 1-800-CALL-FBI.

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