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New York: Dismissal of the unvaccinated was illegal

The hopeful and optimistic message that a US federal court in New York had declared personal punitive actions against the unvaccinated and dismissal invalid and ordered the restoration of those affected sparked furore in the free media last week; the mainstream press, however, especially in Germany, remained embarrassed. No wonder: the victims of the mandatory vaccination linked to the institution in the Federal Republic may sooner or later also expect the same.

For the moment, the Corona madness in Germany continues unabated, but it is only a matter of time before reason and the rule of law find their way here too, one way or another.

The rest of the world digs criminal abysses

It cannot be hidden forever from the public, which is still pacified by vaccinations and panic narratives, which is already the case in much of the world: people there are not only back to normal, but they are already in the middle of the process. criminal and criminal abysses unprecedented emergency policy without any objective basis.

Correction of worst corona excesses

Even in the US, legal correction of the worst excesses of a virus policy is in full swing, targeting primarily all those who refused vaccinations. A New York federal judge had therefore done so decided on Tuesday that New York City’s mandatory vaccination for city employees was illegal – and any employees who were fired as a result should be immediately reinstated with full back wages.

be it “It’s time for New York City to do what’s right and right”, Judge Ralph Porzio wrote in his 13-page argument. With the vaccination mandate of October 20, 2021, then Health Commissioner David Chokshi violated the separation of powers provided for in the state constitution.

Violated the material and procedural rights of workers

Also, Chokshi has the “Substantive and procedural rights of workers” violated without having the authority “Permanently banishing her from her work”I know Porzio.

Another Chokshi order extending mandatory vaccination to private employers and an executive order from Mayor Eric Adams in March 2022 exempting athletes and performers from mandatory vaccination were also arbitrary and illegal, the ruling said. Federal judge Porzio intervenes not fundamentally against compulsory vaccinationbut he stressed that this should not only apply to a part of the population and also indefinitely.

“Arbitrary administrative act”

He accused the city government of the most populous metropolis in the United States that if public safety and health were really at stake, unvaccinated employees should have been fired at the time the order was issued, and there were also orders. throughout the city which were to be enacted for all residents without exception. If this has not happened, it can be assumed that the administrative act was intentional and even arbitrary.

The verdict was the result of a lawsuit filed by sixteen former city cleaners who were fired for refusing to be vaccinated. Although it only applies to them, it has a reference value because other actors can now refer to the ruling. The judge found that all employees concerned had provided the necessary evidence that they already had immunity to the virus because they had already had a corona infection before the mandatory vaccination was issued. He also said that experience with the pandemic has shown that vaccine protection “not absolutely” and there are permanent vaccine breakthroughs even in vaccinated and enhanced people.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in damages are threatened

However, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys said any municipal employee fired for vaccination could take civil action against the city and seek damages. Such a lawsuit would cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars in tax dollars, she said. In total, more than 1,750 employees were fired simply for refusing to be vaccinated.

Among them were more than 950 employees of the education system and 36 members of the police. One can only hope that these victims of state arbitrariness will now take legal action. German politicians should closely monitor further developments in the United States, because the Crown regime may sooner or later do the same.

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