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New York declared a state of emergency for the coronavirus

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (Reuters)

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, declared this Saturday a state of emergency in this region of the United States to face the expansion of the coronavirus, which affects 76 people, ten of whom are hospitalized. “The emergency declaration gives us certain powers,” said Cuomo, who at a press conference explained that they will use them to buy products and hire more health workers to help local authorities.

At a press conference, Cuomo announced a ban on visiting senior centers in the municipality of New Rochelle, located in Westchester County, north of New York City, and the place where the highest number of cases have been recorded.

The governor explained that after the appearance of 21 new cases, there are 57 affected people in Westchester, eleven have been detected in New York City, four in Nassau County, two in Saratoga County and another two in Rockland County. .

In the New Rochelle area, about 10 kilometers north of New York, the closure of schools that had been closed this week has been extended, to try to contain the spread of the Wuhan virus.

“It is obvious that we have a problem with the Westchester light bulb,” acknowledged the governor.

Cuomo also warned that there have been cases of people under preventive quarantine who have left their homes, increasing the risk of contagion within the community.

A person wearing a face mask walks down Wall Street after more cases of coronavirus were confirmed in New York City, New York, USA, on March 6, 2020.

A person wearing a face mask walks down Wall Street after more cases of coronavirus were confirmed in New York City, New York, USA, on March 6, 2020.

In this sense, he asked that people respect this type of confinement and warned that security measures can be taken so that isolation orders are respected.

Regarding the eventual cancellation of events and mass celebrations, he assured that no cancellation is foreseen, although he recommended people with risk factors such as the elderly to refrain from going to these concentrations.

He also pointed out that complaints have been reported about the increase in the prices of products related to the prevention of the coronavirus and assured that the Police had been activated to study the cases.

In his speech, He warned merchants to withdraw their sales license in the event of an abusive price increase for products such as hand sanitizers or masks.

In addition, the governor attacked the Federal Government and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and those he accused of not providing the necessary help to increase the analysis capacity of state authorities. EFE000 people, moves through Asia, Europe and has already landed in America.

17 dead nationwide

The United States raised the death toll from the new coronavirus outbreak to 17 this Friday and has reached the number of 306 infected by the virus in the country, as reported by the CNN chain.

A total of 29 states already have cases of coronavirus. Most of them focus on Washington, with 85 confirmed cases and 14 deaths; California, with 79 and 1 dead; and New York, with 44 cases. In addition, the first case has been registered in Utah.

In Florida, two coronavirus patients have died, as announced by the Florida Department of Health this Friday night, something that has raised the death toll in the country to 17. The two deceased, one of them over 70 years old, had just returned to the country after make different international trips.

The department has also announced the irruption of two presumed new positive cases of coronavirus in the county of Broward.

A man wears a face mask on Wall St., near the New York Stock Exchange

A man wears a face mask on Wall St., near the New York Stock Exchange

On the other hand, as reported by the Utah Department of Health, a person has contracted the coronavirus after being on board the ‘Grand Princess’ cruise ship. The patient, with an age close to 60 years, required medical attention after returning home and presenting some symptoms, so he is currently in his forties.

The cruise ‘Grand Princess‘, with more than 2,500 people on board, remains in quarantine off the coast of the city of San Francisco, in California, after one of the passengers who traveled aboard the boat two weeks ago died after testing positive for coronavirus . The cruise ship, which was bound for Hawaii, returned to the city of San Francisco on Thursday after several passengers and crew members began experiencing symptoms.

This same Friday, the president, Donald Trump, has signed a new item of emergency spending for the fight against the coronavirus, estimated at 8.3 billion dollars.

With information from EFE and Europa Press


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