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New York decides to sever ties with Trump Organization

Dmore and more alone, including for his business. Donald Trump, who is less and less supported by elected Republican officials, some of whom have voted for an early departure on his part (dismissal or resignation), sees the violence of the Capitol having consequences on his affairs. And not just on his presidency. In New York City, Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio decided to take action and end contracts that allowed the Trump Organization to run some attractions in Central Park and a Bronx golf course.

New York City does not deal with insurgent elements. We are taking action to end the agreements “which entrusted the Trump Organization with the operation of a merry-go-round and two skating rinks in Central Park, as well as a golf club in the Bronx, announced Bill de Blasio on Twitter.

Contracts that weigh $ 17 million

Asked about the MSNBC channel, the mayor explained that the city’s lawyers had concluded that the city was within its right to terminate these contracts, which weigh more than $ 17 million: “If a company or the management of a business participates in criminal activity, we have the right to stop it. Inciting insurgency against the government is clearly criminal activity. “

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Since the violence on Capitol Hill on January 6, many American companies and organizations, including Deutsche Bank, the magnate’s main bank, have announced that they have cut their ties or distanced themselves from Donald Trump and his family holding company, the Trump Organization, including the headquarters is in the Trump Tower, on the 5e Avenue.

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In the 1980s, when Donald Trump, still a simple New York businessman, was on the rise, his company took over the management of the two rinks in Central Park: the Wollman Rink, the most famous and the most touristic, south of the park, built in 1950 and closed for several years for work in the early 1980s, and the Lasker Rink, further north, built in 1966.

Donald Trump was very proud of these facilities, and regularly cited them as proof of his talents as a real estate entrepreneur.

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