Home » today » News » New York confirmed 507 new deaths from coronavirus: there are already 13,869 fatalities

New York confirmed 507 new deaths from coronavirus: there are already 13,869 fatalities

The subway station in Times Square in Manhattan (Reuters)

The state of NY reported this Sunday other 507 deaths by coronavirus, the lowest figure in recent days, with which the total number of fatalities reached 13,869.

Governor Andrew Cuomo noted that currently there are more than 16 thousand patients with coronavirus in state hospitals, with a downward curve and far from the limit of the capacity of the New York health system. According to the government, the main concern is now the situation of the centers for the elderly.

The decrease in the number of deaths is 30% less than that reported on Tuesday (778), but the balance is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays due to a delay in the unification of reports.

“This is not the time to be arrogant, there is a long way to go. The news is good only in comparison to the terrible situation before, ”warned Cuomo. Although he said that the state government has shown that it is “capable of taming the beast,” he added that there is still a whole second phase.

A man loads his purchases in New York (Reuters)

A man loads his purchases in New York (Reuters)

The United States, the country most affected by the pandemic worldwide, adds more than 700 thousand cases of coronavirus and around 39 thousand deaths.

The New York City is the most affected area, with more than 8,600 deaths, representing one in every thousand inhabitants.

Earlier, the mayor of the metropolis, Bill de Blasio, reported that the city is distributing 1,400 health professional volunteers from various parts of the country to support more than 40 hospitals and nursing homes, in their battle against the coronavirus.

He explained that 600 of these will go to work in independent hospitals, while 535 military personnel, made up of doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists, are already working in health centers, as requested. He stressed that some of these soldiers have been in Afghanistan and therefore know what it is to be on a battlefront, such as the one being fought in New York, the epicenter of COVID-19 in the world.

De Blasio also pointed out that hospitals such as in Queens, where the virus has attacked the most or in the Bronx, with a Latino majority, the population most affected by the scourge of the virus, already have this staff and thanked them for their support.

(With information from AFP and EFE)


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