25 in cities like New York.thank you very much, let’sbe on the lookout. until11 this morning in the statefrom new york he had rememberedthat 89% of vaccinesreceived by thefederal government had beenmanaged. the governorannounced that they were administeredwings of 100,000 doses in one24-hour period, startingthis Monday people withcertain medical conditionscan have access to thosevaccines. the expansion of theeligibility does not guaranteeaccess to the vaccine.about 10 millionNew Yorkers are eligible forreceive the vaccinecoronavirus, at least therecommunion the governor informedthat people with conditionsand who are eligiblefor vaccines cansign up for an appointment.they said the reasons isbecause the vaccine supplyis not sufficient.4 million and a half iseligible and weekly are usreaching 180,000 doses.include cancer, obesity,kidney diseases,Lung diseases,conditions of the heart,immune system, dintellectual development.this afternoon there was a day ofvaccination in the country ofpublic housing and it was verywell, we can vaccinate a lotpeople and many people whoneed, over 65 years.agreed appointments to get vaccinated andeveryone got the vaccine,including 200 others thatThey arrived without prior appointments.b although it was overthey could bring more and soI understood four more and I knowYou can check out from 10:00 to 11:00.finally you couldvaccinate.i feel either and shouldera little hurts.I brought by all means,let’s see, I’m going to feelafter.first the administrationdonald trump que no preparathis good, second levelnational you have to make morevaccines and today it is needed andfaster, but there is guiltalso locally, they havecreated a website systemdifferent.you have to have access to acomputer and timeavailable, they think they shouldvaccinate in person door bydoor, at least in thenew york city and to knowif you are eligible for a