and how much time they have left.hope: the digital dividestill a concernfor thousands of students in theNew York City. in itsclass segment with thechancellor, tell us about theefforts made todistribute hundreds of thousands oftablets.reporter: it’s another day ofremote learning in thisDominican home, where isthey live two realities.the grades aregood, thank god, as forto the girl, that the one that is ineighth grade has been a bitwings challenging becausethey go in and out of differentclasses, sometimes the systemfailure.reporter: in our segmentweekly the chancellor talks to usof what the city does forclose the digital divide.chancellor: until nowwe have already delivered 450,000computers completelyfree to our studentsof new york city, inthis moment anystudent who has usindicated that you need acomputer already has it. agood thing that has come out ofThis pandemic is that, whatour students, somethat they did not have technology,now they have it.reporter: the next partbeing worrying is thatinevitably children inhave generally been delayed, howcan the department ofeducation counteract that?that’s why we,great wing system of allunited states we fightstrongly to open ourschools, because we know thatThey are running late if they don’t havethat experience.reporter: and empower wingsteachers, because manyteachers need wingstraining, there are teachersadults who do not drivetechnology.Chancellor: there it is, and thatIt is also to empower thestudent’s home, not justof the student, but allwho live in the home.reporter: always goodidea that you, as a proxyyour child’s, get involved withparent meeting of your school,You can also go to the pagefrom the department of education,or to our application in thesection of links and numbers,where you will find wings in