pending to univisón news41 that if the information arisesof this local alert it iswe will carry instantly.Rafael: we are countingregressive to the end ofmandate of the mayor of blasio andthey are all waiting for the demandsagainst him, this tooagainst vaccinating or notway workersmandatory and a judge willlisten to arguments today inagainst this immunization thatincludes firefighters and you can explain this to usprocess we connect with IsabelPeralta Gil, how was theexpectation for today?isabel: very good days, whatI can tell you is that a judgeof a federal court of thesupreme court has decided to givean audience, listen to thiscase once more of thisvaccination mandate forcity employees, thisas you mentioned it includessee if you can grant arestraining order of thiscommand temporarily to viewif justified, those whatindicate the documents thatyesterday’s Tuesday and althoughit’s a real audiencemandate or idea is to verifythis mandate but the employeesmunicipalities, employs them from thecity will also check eelnew announcement made by themayor di blasio on Monday,this is another mandate, thisnew mandate is also expectedthat challenges are filedlegal, that’s how it was revealedagainst what thealcalde di blasio, aqí elthe mayor announced newmeasures, the first requires thatfor December 14 thechildren ages five to 11 orshow proof of avaccine dose to enterto places like restaurants,cinemas and gyms; laterthere are also wing changesradicals as of 27December, here all12-year-olds and allprivate sector workersdo not work remotelymust present proof ofcomplete vaccination, it is calculatedthat these new measureswill affect about 184,000city companies.kathy hochul has also given toknow the latest data thatthey have to find it what I knowhas achieved the coronavirus andwhat we have is that they havereported until yesterday,it was Tuesday they were confirmedtwo cases of the brent omicron “of the coronavirus, two wings in itrinón county and also inwestchester, and also here innew york city sereported that until Mars almost13,000,000 vaccines have beenawarded throughout the city, ithave reported 1113 newand new cases of the coronavirus.the governor continuesinsisting and that allNew Yorkers know whatget vaccinated and make sure yourloved ones also in whatand’s all from me from the