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New York City Traffic Accident Victims Commemorated in Brooklyn | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

I know the situation is a moreserious among those peoplewho have not been vaccinated forfirst time. elected officials,organizations and family membersjoined that afternoon to rememberto the almost 2000 deaths inthe last years in accidentthere was our partnerwho joins us right now inalive. how was thiscommemoration?>> good afternoon. 1800 potsthey painted yellow thestairs here in brooklyn islate to remember 1800victims. it’s about peoplewho died in thestreets. pedestrians and cyclists.they had seeds like these thatthey can sow so thattrees and plants grow. he hasIt has been very emotional to hear thefamily stories andfriends of whomthey died in the streets. I knowdeals with people of allages, of allnationalities who went toschool and who was playing.there are those who went out to have abreakfast and who was going toto work. is the case of twopeople who worked asfood delivery people. we couldtalk with a partnerthem. we hear.>> it’s hard because everythingimmigrant who arrives here isto look for a better life. forget ahead, but theconditions on the streets orrecklessness of manymotorists has taken thelife of many of thoseworkers, but these areimportant events where wewe unite the entire community ofnew york city tobe able to demand improvements intransit laws.>> the organizers of thisevent they want throughseven steps to be able to recoverroad safety. thefirst is to convert the spacewhich is now destined for thevehicles in space forpedestrians. also convert thehealthy and fair forreduce the number of cars atthroughout the entire city ofnew York. also createself-managed streets. that isabout streets where you canapply the law, although if notexample through cameras.also expand the achievements ofprogram and increase the amountof people who use thebus service and alsoof people who use bicycles.that through severalprograms that can allowan access to asequibley toinsurance at the service ofpublic transportation. in whatthe year goes by, the numbers are everythingless than positive. 239people passed away along

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