How far does the rain go?with good news and that isfrom today activities reopensocial and cultural inof care centersof older adults in newpoblacón as threatened by thecoronavirus death werequarantined and alsothese centers were closedsince last year. Richardviewer friends.favorable for adultsolder since the city ofnew york today monday start ofgo-ahead for thereopening of activitiesinside the centers ofcare for the elderly,after last TuesdayJune 1 Mayor Billblasio will announce thelifting of therestrictionsand the diamics in the open airfor this type of facilityand business.we are talking, how do i knowmeet in the city of newYork is watching aprogress against the pandemic.the centers will remainopen for vaccinated and notvaccinated and therule of distancingphysical. to the centersindoor activities fromthat closed on the 13th ofMarch 2020,year of the pandemic and afterimpact of coronavirus andconsidering vulnerabilitycenters will offer activitiesby appointment Monday andWednesday, there is a limit of 35people per session due tothe offer is continuedvirtual activities,packed lunch from11:00 am to 1:00 pmworking days. also theworker assistancesocial.two important aspects indata terms, citykeep vaccinating.they have managed a littlewings of 8.7 millionof doses in addition tolast FridayJune 11 rate