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New York City Offers Guide to Sex During Covid-19

The appearance of the Covid-19 virus has had consequences in many areas such as the economy or finance. However, what is currently most affected are human relations since many countries impose confinement coupled with social distancing.

We can thus ask the question: what about sexual relations during this period of propagation of the virus? The New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH) responded by publishing a guide on the subject. The latter reminds you of the measures to be taken against the spread of the virus, such as keeping a distance of at least one meter between two individuals, and gives advice on how to enjoy your sex life while protecting yourself against the Covid-19.

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It is possible for a person to catch the virus by coming in contact with respiratory droplets, mucus, or saliva from an infected person. Although so far there is no evidence to show that the novel coronavirus can be transmitted sexually, anything done during sex can actually cause contact with these substances.

What the guide advises

The first advice given by the guide is to turn to masturbation. According to the NYCDOH, this practice cannot spread the virus, but on condition that you wash your hands and the objects used at least 20 seconds before and after the act. The guide also advocates long-distance sex via sexting or videoconferencing for those who meet their partner on the Internet.

On the other hand, the document formally advises against direct sex between two people, unless the two partners live together. In this case, it is always advisable to wash your hands and avoid practices such as rimming that could spread the virus from the stool to the mouth. NYCDOH also strongly encourages the use of a condom that avoids contact with saliva and stool.

When to avoid sex?

In some cases, the guide published by NYCDOH warns against having sex, even between two people living in the same household. This is the case when one or both partners are infected or show symptoms like sore throat or fever.

In addition, it is also recommended by the guide to avoid sex for those with medical conditions that can cause a more serious infection. There are for example those who have diabetes or heart problems.

Although today attention is mainly focused on the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the document published by NYCDOH also does not forget to warn against STIs and unwanted pregnancies that could occur during this period of confinement.

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