giselle: the electoral board ofnew york reports noprimaries for mayoroffered today are incorrect,because by mistake they werereal counted next to ballotstest.erick adams surpasses the threshold50% needed to win thecontest. with 51.1% ofvotes. surpasses kathryn garía,who obtained 48.9% of thevotes.we talked with j se maloneon the current panoramaelectoral and with what I knowwaiting for the results.adriana: thanks for listeningunivision. How do you see about haul with 51.1% compared toKathryn Garcia with 48.9%.jc: I noticed in a momentthat as there was not a greatspeech regarding theeconomic inequality, thatsum between whites and LatinosI could give it a tryIncredible, it is what it isgoing. outside of that it is seen byabove all that the communityAfro-American has recovered thatof political power.vanessa gibson with the districtManhattan 14, the coalitionof the African American communityhas performed very well inthis election.I do not doubt that Kathryn willI carried.adriana: what paó with theprogressive and with theexpectation of young?there is something that has to dowith progressivesNew Yorkers. it’s like avery big progressive at heartof the capitalist world.bill de blasio brought thespeech to the radicals of the world,economic and only fought that ofhis family.the city is the most uneventhat a few years ago, is aAdriana: Cal is the offer ofadams¡suppose it looked likenew mayor and depends on theI knew the adams pack thatmakes him lead at least fornow?jc: adams acknowledges a speech devoid ofsubstances and root. peopleunderstand that because of your historyof cops with the increase incriminality, he could be agood option. is a man whostate senator, now goway to the mayor’s office. is a