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New York City Faces Invasion of Flying Aphids After Smoke Clears

After the smoke that suffocated the city for several days, New York is now plagued by clouds of insects. The critters, identified by specialists as flying aphids, move in swarms, forcing many residents of the megalopolis to cover their faces with masks.

The insects, considered harmless, look like gnats, often white or green and almost invisible to the naked eye.

The hypothesis, advanced by many, according to which these aphids could have appeared due to the smoke on the city caused by the violent fires in Canada, was quickly swept away by scientists, without however their origin having been able to be determined with certainty.

Scientists, however, warn of the rapid proliferation of insects, due to the heat and recent rains.

2023-07-05 07:17:27
#Mysterious #clouds #insects #York #I24NEWS

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