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New York City Elected Leaders Demand Reforms to Improve Subway Safety | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

people keep walkingdestitute touching one,asking one.when to clean thereporter: there he confirms to usspokesmen for the uniontransportation, tells us thatworkers have been attackedand beaten in the lastthere is no security, nothere is police in the stations,the trains.and the people who want to dosomething bad, does something badbecause there is no one whocan stop.reporter: in conference ofpress, insist on increasing thesurveillance with amber wingsin addition to other analyzes.í if wings are neededcops, but alsodeploy workerssocial, area specialistsfor people with problemsmentalwe as a city haveto give you an answer demandingthat the state invest moremoney but so do wemaking sure there is agreater cooperation.

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