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New York City Considering Curfew for Immigrant Shelters Due to Resident Complaints

Everything indicates that the sequence of complaints from residents of neighborhoods near the municipal shelters, where thousands of immigrants are housed, will force the City to continue taking drastic measures. It is even confirmed that applying a curfew is on the table.

That is, those who are staying in hotels and emergency facilities authorized for immigrants, They would have a night time limit during which they will not be able to leave those facilities.

In a statement carried by local media, a municipal spokesperson said that “traditional Department of Social Services (DHS) shelters have a curfew system and some communities and elected officials have asked us to explore this option for our migrant shelters.” . “We are considering all options.”

The sparks that have lit this possible new disciplinary limit, for recently arrived immigrants, have been the continuous complaints from residents of accommodation centers such as Floyd Bennett Field, Randall’s Island and Creedmoor Psychiatric Center.

The main complaint is that immigrants, including children, desperate for money and food, have made it a practice at night to go out to knocking on doors of residences asking for help.

“The cold has calmed them down”

Scandals have also been reported in the early morning hours outside these facilities, and the presence of immigrants prowling residential spaces at any time am.

“Now the cold has calmed them down a little.”, but in the summer they woke up drinking liquor in the street, they urinated on the corners, they played music with speakers. They make scandals with motorcycles. ¡This is a disaster!” Rosa Tejerías, a Peruvian who lives near a hotel, testified to El Diario. where dozens of asylum seekers are housed in Long Island City in Queens.

A series of crimes recorded at some shelters, including drug trafficking and a fatal stabbing at a shelter on Randall’s Island, It has also left residents concerned about situations near them.

The possibility was raised at a meeting this week by the Queens Councilwoman Joann Ariolawho suggested applying a 10 p.m. curfew

“We have asked questions about the possibility of hour limits in migrant shelters. I think it should be established just like homeless people. The City showed receptivity to this proposal“confirmed the local legislator.

Mayor Eric Adams has also discussed plans to install metal detectors and other security measures at shelters. to try to mitigate irregular situations.

Nearly 70,000 immigrants are currently under municipal care, adhered to the local norm of the right to shelter.

The possibility of a curfew arises as a possibility a few days after the 30-day stay limit rule came into effect for men to vacate shelters and 60 days for families with children.

And immigrant staying in a hostel in Queensassured that the schedule cuts would be very inconvenient for people who even have work until midnight, although it is imagined that in those cases, there will be exceptions.

“Unfortunately it is true that we see young people who sleep all day and then go out at night for I don’t know why. There’s everything here. “A small group of bad behaviors have gathered that are affecting the majority of us who came to progress,” said a Venezuelan asylum seeker.

Leaders ask for more support

While new security measures are being analyzed in the shelters, this Friday, Assembly leaders and community advocates demanded that New York state provide greater funding and more support to the localities that house and They serve newly arrived asylum seekers. And a commitment to further protect these vulnerable communities.

Las assembly members Amanda Séptimo, Jenifer Rajkumar y Marcela Mitaynes, la reverenda Kirsten John Foy de Arc of Justice, Etsio Flores de Make the Road New York y Liz Javier of the Dominican Women’s Development Center (DWDC) created an alliance to demand that Governor Kathy Hochul and state leaders “take a more prominent role in the effort to support this growing immigrant community.

Proposed solutions include supporting state legislation to establish work permits at the state level and appointing a migrant community coordinator.

This group also spoke about the need to fight against the hateful rhetoric that has emerged in recent weeks and that sometimes ends with threats of violence against asylum-seeking families.

“In her State of the State address, the Governor largely avoided discussing a solution to our growing immigration and housing crisis, while hundreds of families are pushed onto the streets. Our state leadership must step up and pass critical housing laws while providing sufficient financial assistance to New York City, as more families come here in search of a better life,” promoted Assemblywoman Marcela Mitaynes.

2024-01-12 23:11:53
#NYC #municipal #government #rule #applying #curfew #metal #detectors #immigrant #shelters #Diario

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