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New York City Authorities Fully Prepared to Ensure Safety for New Year’s Eve 2023 Celebrations

There are only a few hours left until 2023 say “goodbye”and while New Yorkers from all boroughs finalize details to welcome the new YearCity authorities assured this Friday that they are completely ready to guarantee the safety of the Big Apple during the holidays, even though there are no specific threats.

By air, water and landmiles from police of the NYPDcounterterrorism agents, pilots, boat captains, trained dogs, horses, drones, technological equipment and intelligence personnel, will not only monitor the area of Times Squarewhere thousands of tourists and residents are expected to come to say goodbye to the year, with the famous ball drop event, but in all corners of New York.

This is what he warned Mayor Eric Adams, from the 43rd Street police command, in the heart of Manhattan, where they insisted that they have no reports of threats or intentions to attack the city, but to guarantee that New Yorkers receive a peaceful 2024, the entire security infrastructure of the Big Apple will be fully deployed. Likewise, the president assured that the NYPD is ready to control eventual pro-Palestine protests, that can be registered, like those that have occurred in recent weeks, and that on planned dates such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, there were a couple of violent events.

We are looking forward to seeing 2024 arrive.from here, in Times Square, and when the lights turn on here, they will turn on on Broadway, throughout New York and throughout the United States,” said the mayor Adams, inviting tourists to spend as much money as they can in the Big Apple and foreigners and New Yorkers to follow the rules. “We know how to stay safe and we are doing joint work with multiple agencies and organizations. We have patrol, traffic, intelligence, counterterrorism, special operations, drone, helicopter and boat division. “We are the safest city in the country and we will continue to be so in 2024.”

When talking about the protests that could arise during the arrival of the new year, the mayor stated that They will also be looking at social networks to be better prepared and warned those who do not demonstrate peacefully that the police will be there to stop them.

“This Police Department has already experienced hundreds of protests, and the vast majority have been peaceful, something we have witnessed, but if someone wants to be violent, that will not be tolerated, that will not be accepted, nor are we going to give space to the hate or breaking the law,” Adams said. “If they break the law, the NYPD will be there“But we know that the majority of people are going to come to receive 2024 peacefully and we are not going to allow those who want to damage that to do so.”

NYPD Deputy Chief John Hart He added that the NYPD has seen about 500 demonstrations and they know how to handle them. “The groups that have regularly protested regarding Israel-Palestine have been peaceful, and they know that we are prepared for any number. We are prepared for different groups from different places. “We will ensure that this event is safe and peaceful,” the officer commented.

NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey He reiterated that there are no specific threats that make him fear possible attacks on the Big Apple, but he assured that despite this they take the security of the city very seriously, which is why thousands of uniformed and plainclothes agents, including the more than 600 who just graduated from police school, will be making sure all New Yorkers are safe.

“We have thousands deployed throughout the city,” said Maddrey, while among the list of recommendations to those who attend the guarded area of ​​Times Square, which was expanded this year with a security zone from Sixth to Eighth avenues between 41st and 57th streets, do not carry backpacks or alcoholic beverages. There will be several checkpoints. “Thousands of officers will be there to protect you as you celebrate the New Year in the brightest city in the world.”

Another call from the authorities to avoid chaos and congestion is for those who approach the Times Square area on New Year’s Eve to travel by public transportation and not in cars.

NYPD DCPI Deputy Commissioner Carlos Nievesstressed that despite the extensive deployment of public force that will be in downtown Manhattan, the other parts of the Big Apple will not be neglected.

“Although we have thousands of officers present here in Times Square, we are also going to have detectives, who are monitoring the computers, checking the networks, others prepared for the protesters, but still, we have to respond to the calls to 911 and 311 throughout the city, and although we are protecting here, we are not removing the service or leaving the rest of the city unsafe,” mentioned the Latino sergeant.

The big absentee during the press conference on the year-end security plan for the Big Apple was the NYPD Commissioner Edward Cabánthe first Latino to reach that position, and after Mayor Adams was questioned about the reason why the officer was not present at that time, the president stated that he is in the Dominican Republic, but that despite not being there, The NYPD and law enforcement are ready to do the job.

“One person does not move the show. In the city we have a professional police department and we do not need just one specific person to be able to operate,” said the president.

Mayor Adams and the NYPD announcing the security plan to say goodbye to 2023. Photo Edwin Martinez

The security measures announced by the municipal authorities generated a lot of tranquility and confidence among ordinary New Yorkers, such as Tirsa Colon, who said she was ready to attend the Times Square ball drop event.

“As much as people often criticize and criticize the police, the truth is that the NYPD knows how to do its job well and in mass events like the one on December 31, they are experts, so I have no fear and I know that we will do well.” to protect well,” commented the Dominican. “What I tell people who want to come to Times Square is to follow the rules and obey the police so that we can all have a calm and happy time, but I really trust that the police in this city knows how to take care of us, or if not, they would have attacked us a long time ago.”

Teresa Velasquez, who was walking in Times Square this Friday, from Westchester, expressed a similar feeling and mentioned that living in an unsafe country in which the authorities have not managed to put crime at bay, in the Big Apple she is very calm.

“I am Ecuadorian, and the insecurity there is terrible, there is no comparison with this city. The truth is, I like coming here and I am one of those who feels very safe because the police know how to do their job and I think we will be able to say goodbye to the year in peace,” said the immigrant mother, who lives in New York.

Efren Mongewho was also taking a walk through the heart of Manhattan, after hearing out loud from the New York authorities the security plan for the end of the year, acknowledged that it gives him more peace of mind, but did not deny that he is afraid of violent acts. , due to the tension that currently exists in the world.

The NYPD is ready to guarantee the safety of New Yorkers this end of 2024. Photo Edwin Martinez

“When you are here you do have fear and that uncertainty, because we are not only in the city of skyscrapers but at the point of reference for the entire planet, and if you feel that fear because the truth is that anything can happen “But it gives me confidence that after 9/11 they reinforced security, and my hope is that nothing happens and it is good to see that they guarantee security,” said the young Latino. “It is very important that the police create these operations to guarantee the safety of millions of visitors and those who live here, and seeing a police officer or someone watching over us on every corner is something that allows us to walk more calmly.”

Recommendations and information for the celebration

  • Use public transportation instead of cars
  • If you are going to go to the Times Square area, you cannot bring backpacks or alcohol.
  • Peaceful protests outside the security area will be allowed
  • Zero tolerance for violent acts and against those who violate the laws
  • Thousands of uniformed officers, detectives, drones, dogs, horses, technological equipment and boats will guard security
  • The Times Square security zone was expanded this year to the area between Sixth and Eighth Avenues between 41st and 57th Streets.
  • Lines 911 and 311 will continue to operate normally to respond to emergencies and provide information

2023-12-30 11:07:00
#York #protected #air #water #land #Year #Diario

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