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New York Celebrates Biden’s Bill Making Juneteenth a National Holiday | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

adriana: thanks for being withU.S. oron other issues, this year theemancipation celebrationof the last slaves hasa special connotation with thedeclaration of June 19 astrust or national, thanks to alaw signed by the recent joebiden.let’s go to harlem, manhattanwhere did parties take placeto celebrate the newlegislacón talked about theimportance of it forthe americans and theAfrican American and Hispanic.reporter: hundreds ofNew Yorkers of different beraces joined this fridayfederal holiday in the parksan nicholas.we talk about the meaningof the commemoration of the day ofthe end of slavery in1865.Adriano Espaillat: It happened ora long time to remove thepractice of slavery instates like texas.end of slavery, whenin galveston a soldierinformed the slaves thatthey were free.reporter: adds thatHispanics must see that factas a sign of freedom,democracy and that the statesunited mend your mistakespast.there are people who have judgmentcome from the republicdominican, yes there how we lovewe can say that I’m going tohome.many think it is their homeat home they have been treatedlike garbage.reporter: the assistants usthey shared their feelings ofjuneteenth.African Americans in thepís, especially me. II call white, but I’m fromminoía.I think there has to bereporter: with thiscommemoration, of blasio gave ameet a new plan called“economic justice plan of thejunetennth” that promisesvarious kinds of helpfinancial for studentsAfrican American and belowresources can finish thecollege.is a unifying act, wherepeople who were slavesthey found their freedom.descendants of whomthere was president of the statesunited whose name is barackobama.that indicates great magnitude, thegreat potential of this nation.reporter: what message do you haveyou for the Hispanics?Hispanics mustunderstand that we are in thebottom of the pyramid withAfrican Americans.the only thing that divides us is askin color and it’s a questionmental.reporter: it should be clarified thatthis day goes on to do the firstthe federal holiday, sinceMartin Luther’s wife was raised

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