Home » today » News » New York Businesses Affected by the Coronavirus Crisis Can Now Apply for Financial Help | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York Businesses Affected by the Coronavirus Crisis Can Now Apply for Financial Help | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

today it’s time to clean thestreets, yes that move vehicles,pay parking meter and avoidfines on the weekend.elán: let’s change the subject.i talk to themto the owners and owners orsmall business employeeswho wereaffected by the pandemiccovid19. and it is that they canrequest up to $ 50,000 insubsidieswithout taxation. the governorsays there are 800 million forhelp these little onescompanies that are mostlyof women. Ricardo Corras is herelive with all the details.Ricardo: Greetings, very goodyou wereto viewer friends.thebusinessmenwith small entrepreneurs inany society are thespine ofeconomic process andNew Yorkers are not theexception. from todaygovernment opens call forfund requestsand aid of 800 millionof olars, so that they canconsider that they have tohaving incurred expensespastuntil the 1st of Aprilof this year. thegrants will be awardedlittlemicro companies and organizationsartistic and culturalindependent.there is also priorityfor businessof women, minorities, veteransand communitieswith development urgencyeconomic. be aestimates the New York government,obviously there is talk of ás330,000 small businesseseligible.in terms of distributionof this $ 800,000,000 fundbe of the followingway, which can be observed indisplay, 5000 supportfuncon of theannual gross income of thebusinessin the state of new york. Whathad indicated,expenses must be between thelast March date, year ofthe pandemic, untilon April 1, 2021.expenses? has to be interm of paymentsof mines, mortgage payment,tax payment,

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