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New York Business Owners Protest Bail Bond System | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

for a list of centersnearest coolinginternet, univision 41 newyork.rafael: in small entrepreneursof the city feel orrepeat offenders are the problemthe useless and violencestreets.isabel peraltahill waspresent at a demonstrationin which they demand changes to thejudicial system.isabel: a demonstration waswhat was accomplished by achange in the reform lawbails and is in front of ofthis business that wasvandalized and left damage$25,000 here in manhattan,they say crimecontinues to increase innew york city and whatit will get worseand security advocatespublic and that issmall business communityhas been insisting thatrepeat offenders areresponsible for crimesviolent and just beingin the streets, receive they sayafter beingarrested several times andled to this increase inrobbery, violence and damage toestablishments.meanwhile mayor adamsforcefully ask for another roundchanges to state lawbail and pressing thegovernor now thatrunning for full termasians say nothey will vote for them and it does not respondto this and a letter thatthey walked eight days toalbanianaccording to data or rulesby mayor adams raterecidivism has skyrocketed,arrested for robbery committedanother felony within the60 daysand in 2017 only 7.7%committed another crime.the case of joé alba thatdefending, they put$250,000 bail, that was thewinemaker joé alba, that issomething to the people he commitsSo from what I seethey gave him bail,criminal element has moreright that the citizen whowants to work and dothings well.law what you come toaffect the working classto business owners andcomes to favor thecriminals who feels thatthey can do, break the law withouthave consequence and thisaffects many ofmerchants who little by littlewe will disappearisabel: merchants demandbail, they say no just for thesafety of themselves, employees andrelatives but also for thefuture of city tourismfrom new york, they wanteducation and employmentthose who commit crimes.I am Isabel Peraltahill,“digital edition”, new york.

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