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New York braces for future natural disasters

This article is over five years old.

Posted the 05/25/2015 21:51

Update the 05/26/2015 12:00

Video length: 3 min.


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The American city has planned major works to shelter itself from the rising waters.

A few months before the climate summit, global warming is affecting many countries. In the United States, New York has undertaken major work to deal with the rising waters. And for good reason, the water level could rise by nearly 2 meters by the end of the century, according to scientists. Due to climate change, the city could also experience major natural disasters.

Hurricane Sandy hit the Big Apple three years ago. This kind of phenomenon could be repeated every ten years, with dramatic consequences for the inhabitants. The rising water levels triggered by Sandy in 2012 had also caused the explosion of a power station. Today, a 2-meter flood barrier has been built there. “We have also mounted these walls inside the factory. They must protect essential equipment”, explains the director of operations, Jonathan Brengel to France 2. The objective? Secure the city’s 20 electrical installations. “All the installations will be sealed or raised to be secure”, specifies the expert.
In addition to these works, tunnels and metro lines should also be protected.

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