damaris: yes, hope.this Thursday could be the dayhot wings of the season.so this afternoon themanagement departmentof health they met here,to warn aboutdangers of these temperaturesso high.they offered some options andtips to protect ourselves inamidst the intense heat thatcould be extremelydangerous, especially forthe elderly and children.aí like people withmedical conditions.cooling centersaround the five boroughsthey are already operating with schedulesspread out to toast a littleof relief to those who do not counttheir homes.we know that many peoplethey are avoiding the placesclosed due to temporary contagionde covid19.so the recommendationsis to wear the masksat all times to enterthese centers with peace of mindand protection.there are also optionsoutdoor cooling inall five boroughs.to find a centerchilling in your neighborhood,You can call 311.some centers toothey accept pets.service animalsare always allowed inall these.the authorities adviseto be possible. if you don’t have aair conditioning system,keep rooms wellventilated with windowsopen, drink plenty of water,and light colors.and will never leave pets orchildren inside the vehicles.tonight we are going to talk toan edic that will give us wingsadvice and what you are going to offer usthe signs that we have tolook carefully to avoidthe number to call for everyonefios centers in newyork, call 311 and 911,signs.nausea, difficultybreathing, racing pulse,weakness, dizziness or pain inhead.from brooklyn, came back with you.adriana: thank you very much to