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New York announces the reopening of its museums for August 24

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has announced this Friday that the museums, aquariums and other cultural institutions of the region will be able to reopen their doors from next August 24 after the constant low infection rate of coronavirus that has been registered.

“Low-risk cultural activities, museums, aquariums and other low-risk cultural arts may reopen in New York on August 24,” said Cuomo during a conference call with reporters. Both museums and other cultural events may operate at 25% of their capacity, and they also have to distribute tickets that establish the arrival time of each visitor, who must wear a mask at all times.

Low-risk cultural activities, museums, aquariums and other low-risk cultural arts may reopen in New York on August 24 ”

Andrew CuomoGovernor of new york

Bowling alleys will also be able to receive customers again from next Monday, August 17, although at 50% of their maximum occupancy and they must have established a cleaning and disinfection protocol, especially for the material shared by the public. Cuomo also announced that in the next few days he will publish the rules that gyms must follow to return to activity.

Initially, museums were part of the fourth phase of New York reopening, which went into effect on July 20, but shortly before reaching that date the governor affirmed that leisure activities indoors were still too dangerous.

Bowling alleys will also be able to receive customers again from next Monday, August 17, although at 50% of their maximum occupancy

The Metropolitan Museum of New York (Met) announced in late June that it planned to open its doors on August 29 after five and a half months of closure if authorities allowed it, while in early August the Museum of Natural History of New York said he would do the same on September 9.

The Met Cloisters, another headquarters that the museum has in the north end of Manhattan, is expected to open its doors shortly after, although a specific date has not been announced for it, while the Met Breuer, a space that the institution had dedicated to contemporary art on a temporary basis and which belongs to the Whitney Museum of American Art, will not reopen.

The Met will reopen with its exhibition “Making The Met, 1870-2020”, an exhibition celebrating its 150th anniversary and which should have opened in April, and “Jacob Lawrence: The American Struggle”, with works by that modernist painter.

Currently, the coronavirus infection rate in New York State, where 87,900 tests were carried out last Thursday, stands at 0.84%, while last Wednesday only 10 people died in the entire region a caused by the virus, bringing the total death toll to 25,228.

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