we talk about time segmentand how are the conditionsstarting tomorrow, stop with youelian.Elian: Thank you very much, let’s goto keep talking about theis creating newguidelines for schoolswhat are they registering caseswhat attention parents, ourpartner mariela salgado is hereready to give us the>> a pleasure to greet you,effectively all parentsthey know it’s been hard to haveto the children in the schools yesthere were two cases althoughit was a school campusgiant still closed all thebuilding all this changes tofrom today the mayorannounces new guidelines forknow when to close theschool.if there is a case or confirmed thecampus then he goes to hispresent two or three cases inthe school is not going to close either.they are going to increase the tests byrandom up to 40%, the onlyway to close theschools that if they show upfour or more cases in the sameschool and if you see that thesecases came from an outbreak thatthen the school would be closedfor 10 ías is a confusing topic,but if there are some cases, nothey will close the school, more thanfour cases yes.always checking that it is thesame source, 65,000 peopleemployees of the department ofeducacón have been vaccinated, thisit’s a big step for parentssome parents have beenfighting for the school to behold open and this is abig step.other important news,still have time forchange your child.to teaching in person,let’s say it’s remote butyou want me to continue thatremains of the school year ey enperson can do it untilmorning.you can contact us atdirection they see screen.this is the information, that