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New York aims for carbon neutrality by 2040

New York must be the most progressive state in terms of ecological transition,” Democrat said Andrew Mark Cuomo in his presentation speech of the agenda of the first 100 days of 2019. The governor of New York announced on Monday, December 17 that his state intended to create a “new Green Deal” to achieve carbon neutrality at the latest in 2040. In particular, this plan plans to start by reducing the environmental impact of New York’s electricity before being extended to other sectors.

New York also wishes “to face a water crisis more and more important “and” to take the initiative to clean the bays, the rivers, the lakes and the streams for his children and the children of his children. “According to the governor, this fight for less polluted water must pass by stricter regulation of chemical components used and rejected by industrialists. To help achieve its goals, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Nyserda) must soon provide a report which will detail the measures to be adopted.

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